It all began with a friendship and with an idea that Rich Goodman and Pat Pondok had about helping others realize their expansion and renovation dreams. Small retail projects for retail and religious organizations. As well as larger construction commissions from hospitals and universities. For Rich and Pat, every project would be an opportunity—and the start of an important relationship.

And then, on a Friday afternoon, the two received a call they were hoping not to get—a construction job for a local supermarket had been given to a competing firm. Discouraged, Rich the took the rest of the day off and headed out to the park with his daughter. While the children played, Rich shared his news and disappointment with another father. That man listened. There’s a parking lot at a Philadelphia warehouse in need of renovation, he said. Why don’t you bid on the job?
So Rich and Pat did. They won the one-million-dollar job. They oversaw every inch of its construction and completed everything on time. A new chapter had been written into the story of Target, and a new credo–”—
“Building Relations Through the Power of People” is launched.
Over the ensuing years, we’ve expanded our reach and capabilities, adding to our team so often that we’ve occupied three separate headquarter office buildings during our time in business. Today our headquarters are located in the renovated and expanded former Leiperville School in Crum Lynne, PA, an historically significant building from 1874.
What began with a friendship between Rich and Pat has grown into a family—a team of people who often spend their entire careers with us, while inviting new young staff into the fold. Trust, and trustworthiness, continue to define us, and to shape the conversations and projects we undertake with our broad list of clients.

616 Baltimore Pike
Springfied, PA 19064

197 Fairview Avenue
Woodlyn, PA 19044

400 Chester Pike
Ridley Park, PA 19022

Office #4
1124 Chester Pike
Crum Lynne, PA 19022

Our first mark—a visual suggestion of our intent to hit the “target” on every job—was created in 1990, with the launch of our company.
We grew. We changed. So did our branding. Our second mark depicted a crane set against the Philadelphia skyline, where so much of our work was taking place. Today, a third mark represents us —modern, timeless, efficient—that suggests our many links to customers and their many links to us.